Chatty Member
I am seeing this all in a different light now after the things I've learnt this morning. But my views haven't changed much I still don't agree with ALL their behaviours, actions, tit for tat.
Oh no not at all. It is nice to actually be able to talk about it and not get shouted or blocked from a live. You try and ask a genuine question about Lucy and it’s just ‘she’s a n’ ‘there’s evidence, find it yourself’
The language he uses is what puts me off watching also. I only really watch for 10 minutes then I have to come off as it's too much. He does himself no favours by the way he speaks and it makes him look so much worse to the point you would easily believe he's a really bad sick nasty person.
I can probably imagine the trolling takes its toll but to call people fat see you next Tuesdays, saying stuff about mums and children, I can why people would think that. I mean, how often do you come across a fully grown ‘man’ threatening to break a child’s arm?