Kirsty Matthews #11 Kirsty remains AWOL. Bully crew are still a bunch of sad, twisted waffles. SLM&WLM ✌

I bet she wasn't. What did she say?
It was something along the lines of ‘why would I want to work on the 2 best days of the week? When would I see my husband and family?’ Welcome to the real world Kirsty 😁
Can we start a discussion on your favourite Kirsty excuses? I’ll go first

cant get a job because she won’t have anyone to spray her snakes
Can’t loose weight because her body is in starvation mode and her fat is eating her fat as she only eats one meal a day
Can’t walk her dog because her dog fits/seizures

let’s go
Has anyone been watching her lately? Is she agoraphobic? she never ever leaves the house not even to the corner shop to get her prescription or to just get essentials she has to wait for dave to get home to go out for her and do all the shopping ect.
Has anyone been watching her lately? Is she agoraphobic? she never ever leaves the house not even to the corner shop to get her prescription or to just get essentials she has to wait for dave to get home to go out for her and do all the shopping ect.
No just fat and lazy. She gets out of breath walking to the end of her road so waits for Dave and the car
I watched the live on Saturday when it all kicked off with CW, her partner and Kirsty.
I'm not a huge fan of Kirsty, CW comes across very stalkerish really obsessive behaviors from someone who can't accept a friendship is over. The mass screen recordings/shots, the constant fake accounts, it's quite weird from a grown adult.. saying that I do find her moderator very needy like cw was. when she is in i can't remember her name something D-savage? She seems to be really really needy towards Kirsty but it's going unnoticed like cw did for ages. I am sure she pins every comment she makes when it's not even relevant to the chat just for attention as for being a 'savage' laughable.
She brings out my inner classism, saying the kids are having “sghetti” instead of saying spaghetti. Smoking while cooking their dinner.

She’s like a real life Waynetta Slob.
I can’t believe she’s on live gutting her step daughter’s bedroom. How embarrassing for that poor girl. Most teenagers have messy bedrooms but to rip it apart on live and embarrass her is disgraceful.
Funny how both kids bedrooms she’s done now have piles of empty crisps and chocolate wrappers - maybe if she fed her kids properly and provided snacks, they wouldn’t feel the need to steal food!!!
Poor faith, no wonder she has started growling at them all she's a worker dog she should be farming sheep but instead she's stuck in that house day in day out never gets a walk the run across the field she needs. Instead just get called a bleep and theyll get her put down. Shes probably incredibly bored 😔 the bullshit excuse she has 'fits' is a lame excuse she can't be bothered to walk her.