Happy Friday Tattlers
! Hope everyone is doing alright and for those feeling a bit rough, I hope you are feeling better very soon
. Thread 10 already and a brilliant title idea including all the cling ons
1 thing though that's stuck in my head since #9 that's really annoying me is the whole donating the money to a children charity from merch
! I can't get my head around the logic of it all...
They want to donate money, that they've made by bullying someone online that they believe is a n0nse... to a children's charity
. Is that out of guilt because they know they've screwed up 'protecting kids' on TT, I wonder.
They could of actually helped just by leaving L&B well alone so they aren't even relevant and reporting anything they felt wasn't ok to the right authorities. Instead they decide to publicly bully and humiliate them knowing it would jeopardise any court case if there was ever one needed and the survivor would not get justice thanks to them, plus more would actually be at risk if what they say about B is true