I can't cope with her ignorance over the meaning of dicing food, she apparently "diced parsley" huge clue in the name Kezza......to dice is to cut food into small cubes you wally!
The only dicey thing about her is her ability to cook …..how she can have a cooking channel? She is to cooking what Fred and Rosemary West where to fostering ….
She's back with more crappy recipes, apparently these are "delicious pizza wheels" she used passata for the pizza sauce, no seasoning added just watery passata, nothing delicious about those tiny dried out things.
That’s not how you make gravy! Like you say, it’s just soup!! She really cannot cook! And so desperate for engagement she’s even commenting on the spam comments on her page
Just watched her food haul video, clearly an ad for readly.
And her recipes are disgusting, sehe can't cook at all. She should stop YouTube and get a job, her boys are old enough and do not need their mum at home all the time.