I don't know how she will come back from this all to be honest. She sits on live as if butter wouldn't melt but all different behind the screen.
She has called us this and that and how we have affected her mental health etc, and all the woe is me posts on instagram when her followers don't know the half of it! The messages about Hutch and her kids was disgusting as well, her daughter for one loved him from what I saw!
One of her followers who called us out for being mean to her in her comments on TT and Instagram was in the live last night, I hope she got her eyes opened anyway to who the real Kerry is!
I for one have never body shamed her or anyone for that matter and have always said she is a pretty girl and she is, but no matter how pretty you are if you are ugly on the inside you are ugly!
Put your phone camera down Kerry, and have a look at the inside which clearly needs work and worry less about the outside, it isn't really the most important thing is it!
I'm raging that we have been made out to have wrecked her life (especially
@flowerpower10 ) with everything that has happened lately when she has clearly no one to blame only herself.
You actually sat and cried on TT and said about the mistakes you had made and that you had left all group chats etc and took on constructive criticism, you have done neither of those things and the following on TT you have gained (really which is from being with Hutch in the first place) has clearly went to your head and made you think you are someone you clearly aren't. You are an ordinary Mum just like the rest of us and if it wasn't for TT and peoples kindness you probably wouldn't be running around in PLT clothes or whatever and in Primark leggings like the rest of us working Mums do on the daily!