@Definitelyme I'm all caught up
God sake she always does this, I start to root for her then she pisses everyone off! I see she's back to being a judgy mum...
Which is ironic really when one of her kids doesn't have a bedroom, none of their clothes match, all their hairs look like they've been dragged through a hedge backwards, and she's not got a working hob
I'm not going to comment on whether Aria is on the autism/Asperger's spectrum really, I've said before my brother is severely autistic so have some experience, and my eldest could potentially be on the spectrum, but I will say Kerry reads or hears one thing that slightly fits and grabs on to it and then picks up on everything aria does to fit her in to that label.
Lots of kids have quirks like not liking certain textures, or lining things up a certain way.
There's a big difference between things like that, and having a child who will literally only eat sausage/chips/cheese and onion crisps/rice pudding (and I mean ONLY), or who has to wear ear defenders, or can only have trousers with zips, strictly no buttons at all or they'll throw themselves against the wall...
Sorry, went on a tangent there, but it's something that's close to my heart and it pisses me off when people throw it around with actually having no diagnosis, or clue about what it's actually about.