I agree with all the comments about how she looked better a few years ago, I think she has just stopped caring, she’s happy to let herself go, let her house go, let the kids appearance go. To be brutally honest, I don’t think she can cope with three kids. You know how there are some people that have 3+ kids and totally have their tit together (I mean I know we all have bad days) well Kerry just isn’t one of them. She isn’t capable of keeping her house clean and tidy and looking after the children. She just can’t do it. I don’t really get it though, she’s as home all day, what is she doing? It’s like today she made that batch of ball things. That’s all well and good, but I would only ever do something like that if all my housework, washing etc was done first. It’s not a priority. She’d of been better off spending that half hour or so sorting out that Ikea unit in the lounge, what a difference that would have made! I don’t know how her and warren sit in that tip of an evening with their gin & tonic! I just couldn’t relax. Has anyone else noticed that when she does washing or has it hanging on that clothes horse there is literally mountains of it? She always seems to be stressed about the washing, she must save it all up and only do it once a week I’m guessing? I mean I know three kids one being a baby would be a lot of washing but if she did it every day she could keep on top of it so much better. I only have 2 kids and do washing every single day without fail. I have to, if I missed a day I’d be drowning in it and so stressed! If we go for a day out I do it before we go or when we get back, even if it’s the evening. The way I see it, I’d rather spend longer doing my chores and sit down later but everything be tidy, it’s good for my mental health, everybody is different but I think Kerry would feel so much better if she kept on top of housework. She’s got no excuse either, she spends so much time at home!