Active member
That poor kid was still up at twenty to 12 last night while that stupid monther sat and done tik toks of her talking off her make-up, whilst she sent danny to get coke ,her parenting skills are non existent
Teeth are so important. What fkn planet is she on ,she abuses her teeth every day drinking gallons of coke and sugary sweets smoking etc etc and won't pay to have hannahs sorted, what a liar as always,and gives me the shivers looking at her cake makeup on her face not a clue what she's doing dragging concealer all the way out the side of her eyes ,ohhh my
Yeah teeth are SOO important but I’ll let my teenage daughter get bullied for her missing one UNREAL
She’s looking proper old and haggered. Her bags are bigger than bin liners
She contradicts herself 24/7 .. claimed to hate the colour red then went out buying all red clobber and lipstick, she would NEVER claim csa now she’s gunna claim that, she used to tell everyone she hated cheese now eats blocks of it honestly the list is endless I could go on allllll day!! She’s a compulsive lying woman