Kerrie Essex #10 gayboi has gone away, the slag kerrie comes out to play

I don’t understand why people plan to have children when they don’t have space for them. It’s full to the brim now without thinking about another!

probably their route to a council house no doubt and more benefits

She'll be waiting years for a bigger property. For a 4 bed in my area it's a 10 year wait. Unless she gets lucky with an exchange (I'm assuming she's already council/HA)
The poor kid has been passed from pillar to post his whole life and the thick woman wonders why the kid won’t eat, Cameron probably worries all the time about being dumped down random strangers houses. Kez has only just started realising her kid has major issues since she’s stop dumping him on the grandma every weekend. She has treated Cameron so badly, he’s always excluded from family outings, packed off to his grandmas every birthday and Xmas, never included when the slut goes to gay boi’s mums-because gay bois family don’t like the kid she only ever takes Jason.Gay boi has even said numerous times Cameron has never once received a Xmas or birthday present from his dad or grandma, and now she’s wondering why her kid is acting the way he is. You reap what you sow kezza, you vile,selfish haggard old woman. I hope all her kids cause her the maximum amount of grief, she deserves all she gets, and her bald, brown teeth, pot bellied, lazy, scrounging, free loader husband.
The poor kid has been passed from pillar to post his whole life and the thick woman wonders why the kid won’t eat, Cameron probably worries all the time about being dumped down random strangers houses. Kez has only just started realising her kid has major issues since she’s stop dumping him on the grandma every weekend. She has treated Cameron so badly, he’s always excluded from family outings, packed off to his grandmas every birthday and Xmas, never included when the slut goes to gay boi’s mums-because gay bois family don’t like the kid she only ever takes Jason.Gay boi has even said numerous times Cameron has never once received a Xmas or birthday present from his dad or grandma, and now she’s wondering why her kid is acting the way he is. You reap what you sow kezza, you vile,selfish haggard old woman. I hope all her kids cause her the maximum amount of grief, she deserves all she gets, and her bald, brown teeth, pot bellied, lazy, scrounging, free loader husband.
Awful and routine is so important for sen kids she’s a witch
All down at Danny’s family and everyone of them as recorded albie that poor kid doesn’t know what normal is without a phone shoved in his face and then Shelly recorded them and kerries just sat on her phone whilst Cameron looks uncomfortable and she’s left Hannah at home again so she can let more boys in
When she as no original content she carries the same situation on in every video she’s still going on about staying in the premier and being on a budget blah blah blah how about you’re a grown arse woman your kids live off snacks so ask them what they want to take instead it’s all about her being hungry and bored she’ll spend most of Christmas on her phone anyway