Kerri Roma

Acts as if Tyler was this prem baby tho was like 4 weeks early my son came 3 weeks early never referred to him as prem. Still no sign of the man not as if can just nip with her to the hospital for the birth as lives 4 hours away. Not as if he can move up help with the baby as well has his other two kids and allegedly has a business to run.

It’s just not gonna work tho everyone predicted this outcome with them. Arguing pregnancy tiredness is worse than newborn tiredness. I beg to differ newborn tiredness grabbing an hour here and there was something else. Tho she seems to know it all she has had a straight forward pregnancy tho seems to think has it so hard whining on and on about how bad her pregnancy has been.

Try having morning sickness for 9 months can hardly lift head off a pillow then there is her pretty much going about her work and business as usual albeit moaning her head off about it.
Acts as if Tyler was this prem baby tho was like 4 weeks early my son came 3 weeks early never referred to him as prem. Still no sign of the man not as if can just nip with her to the hospital for the birth as lives 4 hours away. Not as if he can move up help with the baby as well has his other two kids and allegedly has a business to run.

It’s just not gonna work tho everyone predicted this outcome with them. Arguing pregnancy tiredness is worse than newborn tiredness. I beg to differ newborn tiredness grabbing an hour here and there was something else. Tho she seems to know it all she has had a straight forward pregnancy tho seems to think has it so hard whining on and on about how bad her pregnancy has been.

Try having morning sickness for 9 months can hardly lift head off a pillow then there is her pretty much going about her work and business as usual albeit moaning her head off about it.
Think I was 4 weeks early and never heard my mum or dad refer to me as premature either, that I know of anyway haha.
Yes could be classed as a prem baby tho she is talking as if he was in SCBU for weeks when realistically he was a few weeks early where the complications and implications were minimal. She bit big time like BIT!

She has been dumped is raging big time she is the THIRD baby mama and in third place to them all and so will this baby be. That’s what happens when you force someone into becoming a father again when he was happy with the two he had.
Am I missing something. Why has she been wanting this baby to arrive for the past few weeks. I would’ve thought it was too early to be born. Obviously now yes but the last thing I would’ve wanted it my child to be born at 35/36 weeks. I know Tyler was born early as she stated this but you don’t want her born too early. Think she did say she’s been trying everything for this baby to come but nothings worked.