I really need Keelin to stop giving advice about sex/sexuality ESPECIALLY through the lens of “feminism”.
Keelin is very much in favour of porn consumption (“feminist porn” - that label just seems contrived to me
) and honestly, do you really think this is the type of thing you want to push on your broad audience, many of them younger than you? Potential minors as well? The way she normalises watching porn w her partner as well as if every woman should be happy their partner gets off to other woman? It’s just a bit strange to me, and I suppose it becomes a question of where the line gets drawn with these types of things. Also, I find a lot of the advice she gives in response to people struggling to feel pleasure during sex comes off as a bit sheltered or surface level; “just communicate with your partner what you like and what you don’t like”/ “try out the things you see in porn”/ “practice by yourself”. Honestly I don’t think ppl should be asking Keelin this question to begin with, but she has marketed herself as the “all-knowing-big-sis”, but I just find it to be so ignorant of the very common circumstances and experiences that effects someone’s capacity to feel pleasure during sex; she’s clearly ill equipped to give a comprehensive answer so instead it’s a pink feminism, Cosmopolitan magazine-esque answer. Also when she discusses sexual orientation and queer experience (I hate to invalidate her) but she acts like she can truly understand what it’s like when truthfully the only lesbian relationship she was in was short term during high school, and she is now in a monogamous heterosexual partnership. On that note, I believe both her and Jason said they use she/they and he/they respectively but she seems extremely married to the idea of having a girl child and being a tradwife with a hardworking husband. I mean even that letter she wrote to her daughter (I think it’s weird how in a letter to her child she referenced being “skin-to-skin” with Jason) idk, it just felt like a fully woman perspective, no reference to her being non binary, and also attaching a huge portion of her child’s identity and hypothetical future to the fact that it is a girl. And that video with Saoirse when someone asked how to orgasm during sex and they said they simply manifested it? No. No. No. There are so many reasons people (women) cannot orgasm, this was not an informative answer at all and puts the burden on the woman for not being able to climax; “you just didn’t manifest hard enough”. I would appreciate this content from her if it wasn’t so clearly based off her personal experience, and actually took into account research, studies, and science (not an instagram infographic, not an op-ed; substantial sources). Okay rant over.