Totally agree with you. She seems to always take over the conversation, I am tired of hearing her put that young man down behind his back, always telling him off. Did he want to go to costco, NO, she forced him, apparently he enjoyed it. She wants him like her, only enjoyment in life, picking garbage foods. Giant tray of donuts, none of them need, massive jar of pretzel peanut butter that she stuck her nose in and kept sniffing. Then we find out wazza is in the chinese
these two are just destroying their kids health. Both of them drinking endless coffee and pepsi max, full of caffeine to raise their cortisol levels, cause they are both knackered from their high fat high sugar diets. Surprised if wazza is not pre diabetic..comes home from work goes straight to bed, of course kazza will say oh its his job making him tired, I say partly that's true but its mainly his diet, his obesity and his cortisol levels. He has chronic asthma, does he want his kids to be without their dad, so selfish pair of them.
That family are knackered out from processed high sugar, high carb foods, its all crap and frankly
whilst shes trying to diet should she be surrounding herself with garbage and then act so proud of herself cause she resisted, meanwhile her kids are eating all that tit and LIKE SHE CARES as long as they help with her mum and going to the tip.
She keeps saying, i bought some greggs bags cause im allowed, its not a war with your viewers girl and not letting anyone tell you what to do, its all
tit food. If she dont want to cook. Thats fine, but dont just give them the option of eat
tit or go for a takeaway. She loves to cook, try teaching them how to make an healthy meal sometime, share the load, help out more in the kitchen, but will kazza ever allow anyone to take control, she has to rule everyone.
Its such a shame, she does really try, eating so much healthier, still not enough fibre though, or raw veg, almost losing three stone and there she goes, back to her usual traits of surrounding herself with garbage and making sure her kids are eating it too. Its a sad fact of life that
this woman will brag about her weight loss meanwhile her sons have been set up by her for a lifetimes battle with food, whats there to brag about?