She treats her skin the way a bariatric patient might if they loose weight, feel out of danger, then go about eating what they want as they are now a healthy weight, they can treat themselves now and then. Or an ex gambler who kids themselves they can just go to Vegas, but just for the buffets. An ex alcoholic who can drink socially after drying out etc.
Her body went through the trials of roacutane, her skin (and every other organ) dried itself out, is now clear, so she can have the facials, use the oils, miss a night of taking off her make up like anyone else blessed with clear skin.
She could go to an endocrinologist to try and get to the bottom of things, but it wouldn't be a #spon or an #ad. I will also echo what everyone is posting, alcohol and her diet are going to be big contributing factors. Considering all her other ailments, the bloating, the abdominal pain, menstrual pain, headaches I am surprised she isn't more motivated to change. Spots aside isn't she worried about blood pressure, diabetes, n.a.s.h? Bodies are fragile.
TLDR - She's her own worst enemy.