@Tom_Nook I've been all right, thank you. Had the whole weekend off for once (actually a long weekend, Fri-Mon, a bit like an influenza) so spent it socialising and re-watching SATC
Anyway, the round-up.
This week it's basically series of, "Who does that?"
Exhibit 1. The food they left for the cat sitter. I agree with a previous poster, I don't eat crap like that when I am at home, I wouldn't eat it when cat sitting.
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(Love how she had to scribble out the note. Why not take a pic without it? Also, the oranges are still in the plastic net. Lazy girl).
Exhibit 2. Who takes pictures of themselves like this?
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Exhibit 3. It's a mouse. You must have seen a mouse before. Kathleen?
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Exhibit 4. Who puts the camera down and takes the pic like this?
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THS DOESN'T LOOK YUM, it looks like someone's pukes.
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She needs to stop pushing these dresses. Doesn't look good at all. Really ill fitting. But hey, it's short and has a tacky slit on the thigh so right up Katie's street.
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Would they have had these drinks if they weren't gifted?
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(BTW yes Katie, this is what kefir should taste like, a little fizzy. Like, it's a fermented food. It's good for your belly but not necessarily when done like this, quite likely spiked with sugar. Sugar is not good for gut health so drinking something like this won't do any good as sugar will quite likely counteract any good that the friendly bacteria might do).
Yes, your fiancé ordered some fizz for you on your Birthday. Seriously not worth using the "so touched I am having a little cry" emoji
Also, had a "ripple"? Another easy avoided typo?
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Someone please translate this to English.
"Treated by ducklings".
Treated how?
Treated to what?
She wants to be a writer? She wants to revive her blog?
I am cackling.
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Is this necessary? If someone has an air fryer, they can just Google recipes. Or is Katie going to include swipe-up for the air fryer now, which she didn't pay for herself?
Oh, I forgot, she barely ever pays for anything any way.
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They're both bad and your t-shirt is manky. Like, it's not dirty, but just creased and too big.
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I also agree with people making comments about Katie gushing over cute animals and then going home and eating meat meat meat. I hate to be the preachy vegetarian and I normally try and keep my thoughts to myself here on the forum because I don't try to make people go veggie in real life (like, I might tease my boyfriend and always praise/compliment friends and family who tell me they cooked a veggie meal or tried a veggie alternative or checked out a vegetarian place when eating out. I feel like praising people has better effect than trying to "convert" them). But Katie keeps saying how she wants to be more be veggie. We are still waiting for her to show us all these amazing vegan meals she was cooking back in January.
(Speaking of things we're still waiting for, how's the 100 days lipsticks going? )
But seriously. As you read here, Kath, you should try to go veggie for a month. I have found personally that's a great idea to do it in January, when people are doing Veganuary. When I first stopped reducing meat, I knew it would be hard to go vegan for a month straight away, so I did a vegetarian month and tried Veganuary properly the following year (and 2 more, and now I am a full-time veggie). It would make for great content if she does it properly. "Me an my meat-addicted boyfriend go veggie for a month".
I think she means linen.
But why would you want a linen swimsuit? Wouldn't it feel all itchy?