Pelton chat, feel free to skip
An overpriced
exercise spin bike where one can do spin classes in the comfort of one's private home gym, or box room if you've spent all your money on the bike. They have an ipad or something like it where you link up online and can attend digital classes with young, good looking instructors who shout motivating chants every once in a while. You can upload your times and stats the bike records after each class to compare yourself (and feel either shite or virtuous) with other Pelton
knobs enthusiasts. I think you have to pay a monthly subscription ontop of the bike too.
Katie and Daddy G
Maybe Daddy G got the bike so Katie wouldn't need to leave the house to exercise? I bet a pole will be installed sometime too. Jeezeee, maybe the bike lock on the window doors is to keep her in when he's out?
You guys I thought the same about the bell story, so glad I'm not alone on this!! He is getting clingier and clingier, I thought it was her but now I'm not so sure.
So she had a day off with her mates, all girls no less and
still he was checking in on her. I wouldn't be shocked if he tracked her phone, yanno just to be *super safe* and
not because
he's controlling. I don't think it's because he is forty, I think it's just
him... If we were friends I'd gently tell her to put a pause of things, but there is no way she would want a second failed wedding so she'll plough on ahead regardless of what her body and all these sudden ailments seem to be telling her.
My current take on little G
So, I've watched
all of friends over lockdown (so productive of me, I know but I hadn't seen the whole series and wanted to get the references people are always making) Now G reminds me of Ross when he was so controlling of Rachel after she got her first proper job, turning up constantly at her office and sending showy gifts to her desk to mark his territory. Trying to get her leave early for their date nights etc. To prioritse him over everything else to make him feel wanted. G even went through her wardrobe.