I used to be friends* with someone who is a medium size YouTuber in my home country, she has just over 100k followers so perhaps a lil' larger than our Mrs Lentil but has a decent following, I suppose. She kinda ghosted me a few years ago* so now I just hate-watch. A couple of of times a year she'd do a haul video, the "new in my wardrobe" kind. There is typically 20-30 items. And there is always the same
excuses,** " I didn't have <insert a special feature, which just happens to be on trend> so I treated myself"; I didn't have a pair of these shoes in
this very specific colour, so I got them".
Duh! There would always be something you don't have it your wardrobe. That's perfectly fine. NORMAL. You don't have to have on or more of every single garment category in every colour available. It's not sustainable and you don't wear a half of it anyways.
I think the problem with Kathleen at the moment is that she moved on from hoarding new (low quality fast fashion) items on to buying second-hand clothes and knitting countless jumpers. It's not much better than fast fashion, really, when you
keep buying or making stuff. She has a real addiction she needs to address. No-one needs that many jumpers, even if they're beautiful and hand-made. It's justifying acquiring a pile of stuff don't need.
You would think after she did her (as per usual half-arsed) second-had September, she would learn the lesson and and buy fewer, but nicer quality items (in general, not just clothes), but it feels like because she held back for a month (
-ISH, massive
-ISH here), she needs to make up for it by buying a load of crap? Which is in direct conflict with the idea of SH September, where the idea is to create better habits, and limit consumption, of both new and pre-loved, for the foreseeable.
Oh Kathleen.
*I then got onto a forum where people were talking about her and it seems to be a pattern with her - being really obsessed with a friend/group of friends, and then acting like they never existed
** Yes, they're excuses, not reasons.