Rita Chevrolet
VIP Member
and doesn't she just deserve every single bit of it? LOL I can't wait until he turns on ItThe old milky bar kid with his little bag and rinky dink outfits was a Saint compared to this piece of filth.
The fact he remained in bed rather than rushing to his Belovéd's aid and just so happened to be recording when It started It's wails of agony merely underlines that its all one damned great Set Up Jobbie
"I woz just recording sum stuff fer me Insta wen Dolly startid screeemin' for 'elp but I woz in der middul of sumfink inportant so I cud'nt go to 'er; Wewl anyways I did go in there wen I'd finished me stuff an' picked 'er 'ead up off der flor, stuck it in a takeaway kebab bag an' took 'er to orspitawl an' dey stuck it back on for 'er an' den I took her wig to der'airdresser bird tho cos Dolly woz upset that she got Toilet Duck on it when she 'it 'er ead on der bog.
Don't she kno by nah dat she shud'nt bovver me wen I's recording innit??"
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