life’s a car crash
VIP Member
Problem with putting them back where they should be means pulling the skin back or she will be left with scarring which is visible on her face rather than hairline. Pulling it back will increase the tension and give her the pixie ears and prob much worse scarring. She’s fooked no matter whatShe really is the eternal optimist, none of her surgery has ever gone right, every time it's a different duck-up. I can't wait for more!
Meanwhile, she's noticed that she resembles a wingnut and seems to think that pinning her cheeky jug ears back will 'put them back to normal"! hahahahaha. Thank God she never learns.
"I'm already going back. I've never had ears that stick out, but I saw a surgeon the other day… "With my face[lift], where they sewed it at the back, my ears now stick out, so the surgeon is just going to put them back to normal."