PD have added on IG in the comments that she spent and has hidden his money, sadly like everything else nothing will be done about this
The #bekind brigade will continue to say she’s such a good Mum to H, the media will never touch it, so the exploitation continues.
I do believe though that when she passes, everyone who is saying nothing now will sell their stories, it will all come out then, people will have proof so it can’t be denied. The floodgates will open, it’s only then that her and her mother‘s behaviour will be exposed, reckon even books will be written about it. I genuinely believe nothing about what she has done to H or many of her misdemeanours and crimes will ever cut through to the wider public for now, the media just won’t go there while she is still strutting around this world.
All these idiots who continue to platform her and support her lies are going to look really bad, they’ll be going, well “I’m shocked”…oh do f*ck off when you do that, she’s done it all in plain sight, you’ve just ignored it, it’s well known in Brighton she was messed up out on the town while carrying H, people saw it, I know people who witnessed it.
I really don’t see the exploitation and ‘good mutha‘ beliefs ever stopping, the truth is just not cutting through, and her Brain Dead followers will never believe it anyway