It's an echo of the whole tit-show that is KP, though. She's fine with anything if she's in control of it. Anything engineered by anyone else and it triggers her MH.
So, needles? No problem if SHE wants a tattoo or puffer-fish lips. Blood test for breaking the law by driving when off her head on vodka and coke? No way.
Photos out in the wild? Fine if she's filtered them and sold them for money to Backgrid. Papped by a newspaper or member of the public? Nope.
Inaccurate stories in the press? Her lies are fine. Lift one of her mis-representations from her social media and print it and she jumps on it as the press being "scumbags" and full of bullshit.
Vile photo gone viral involving a turd? Accuses ex of revenge porn (which of course is OK when she does it to someone else but not when she's the victim) and takes action. But absolutely no problem if she publishes pornographic pictures of herself.
I still think the absolute best punishment or consequence for her would be complete cancellation by all media outlets. No publication of ANY photos or stories about her on any platform at all, including her own FB and IG. No one talking about her and no one to listen when she's banging on about herself. That would be the single-most effective consequence of her being in prison, I think, along with no hair/nails/sunbeds. And absolutely NO prospect of any "Prison and MEEEEEEEEEEEE" book coming out at a later date. No one talking about her AT ALL except for, one day in the future , a bit of "gosh, what was the name of that woman with the comedy tits who used to be everywhere years ago."