Is she getting the whole clan flogging the JYYYYYY clothes and barf bombs tonight? Or is she flogging off all the stuff from her stinking containers? Primani bag anyone?
Hope B&J don't sell anything, as under age.
Expect she will be off camera every few minutes for a vape and a swig of Monster or Tia Maria and coke. Spilling her curry down her
beige camel top which is
£12 £16 £20 in sizes
8-22 8-16 totally hyper, dogs barking, kids interrupting her, ranting that the press is writing shit about her. Saying that she will see Harvey next week, as she sees him every week and he phones her everyday telling her he loves her.
She will show us her RSPCA paperwork to say she is a responsible animal owner, she will show us her clean driver's licence, she will show that she has paid all her debts in full and that she owes no one nuffink. Proof that the MM is hers forever and no one is taking it off her, but she's wants to rent it out as she's mainly based in Essex.
Her hair which was blow dried at 10.30 this morning, will already look a mess. She will say she's been filming but can't possibly say what. Jeyda will have set up everything as she will be too busy filming a skinnyfood 800 calorie advert with a unboiled kettle and heated up a meal without turning the microwave on (no steam from any of those products) while the kids make her cup of tea and get their own dinner.
But she's working in her kitchen and she luvs it!