VIP Member
BRAH should phone star collage and report it,she said this was her favorite subject and her being a" barrister "would have more weight than anyone else ,as she could quote law and examples etc.,IF there's a carer there, they should be putting Harvey's well being 1st & stop this charade. Contact Star college & get him out of this situation asap.
how could he be punished,he has special needs and she has drove him to it,we are not privy to Harveys behaviour when he is wound up, but we have heard he has thrown animals and the kids are scared of him. if SHE is winding him up for likes or to get him going,its to suit her,to either sell more crap, get fans to say what a wonderful mother she is , having to put up with Harvey, or because she wants him sent back to collage with " its out of my hands, ss said he had to go back" etc., she does everything for a reason and that reason would suit her best of all.Violence isn’t the answer, that would result in Harvey being punished and it really is not his fault.
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