The papers are now saying Keiran has NOT been charged with anything. The media are leadingvtge headline with 'child neglect' rather than the gun business ... so, this is my take on the situation .... Kipper made the claims to the police either herself or via a flying monkey and triggered the whole thing ... it has probably also been suggested that KH was responsible for the graffiti on the fence ... Kipper and or her monkeys are making sure that the child neglect bit is emphasised in the media reports because the gun thing won't stick and the unsafe parent narrative is really what she is going for.
Just like the other arrests no charges will be made because its a campaign of harassment by Kipper.
Why is Kipper doing this? She wants sole custody of J&B as revenge for her losing custody all that time (she blames KH), she wants to split KH and MP up because she blames them for the problems with Carol since #slapgate, he wasn't allowed near the kids for a long time due to #slapgate so she made stuff up about MP to try and get her blocked from being near the kids ... after repeating stories a few times Kipper really does believes her own lies, she is pathological in that way so at this stage she really does.believe that KH & MP are a danger to the children and will do anything to keep them away from J & B. She probably thinks that a charge of child neglect will mean MP will have to move out because V & A can't be around KH. The Gun thing has been thrown in for dramatic effect ... the fence graffiti is part of the lie.
Kipper will be claiming that she has taken the kids away again and can't let them.out of her sight 'because we are all so scared of KH' ... she may well believe this now. I also thinknthis behaviour is a way to keep Carol with her 'damsel in distress, Knight in shining armour'.
For me the Kipper & Carol situation is becoming a 'follie a deux' where 2 people become isolated and so lost in lies that they have no idea what the truth is anymore (Megan and Harry are like this).
I have been the victim of a diagnosed narcissist... a female family member ... I suffered a prolonged attack for years and years, lie after lie, constantly having to defend myself about things that I had never done or said, it destroyed me emotionally, destroyed relationships with family friends and partners who got sucked in by this person ... eventually people started to see holes in their stories about me ... when questioned the lies got even bigger to a point where they were completely ridiculous and that's when the penny properly dropped with my family. The only way to deal with this sort of narc is to cut ties completely, you have to vanish, play dead. I have had no contact with this person for 10 years now, only 1 family member has any contact with them and I am never ever mentioned ... after I vanished they turned on someone else and confirmed everything which is why they are isolated now.
No one is perfect, I don't think KH or MP are, but, I also believe that they are victims of a viscious campaign of harassment by Kipper. I hope that she is eventually caught and charged because things are really escalating and I am VERY concerned for the children I her care.
I also think that TV companies will know her of old and that she does things like this ... that things are escalating ... and it will put them off working with her.