I think KP thinks she is winning.Which is a different thing entirely.Or KP wants us to think that she is winning.Thats what all those “ the Pricey is baack” announcements are for.If she lets on things are a bit pants, the media will tear her apart and the work( crap products ads), will dry up.
And, tbf everything you say is correct.
But she is not living her best life, is she?IIm not going to comment on her continuing media presence, because my contribution to that is part of the problem.People still want to read about her, including me.Until the majority loses interest she will still get work.
The reason she has got away with so much is a combination of luck, good( weaselly as duck)representation, covid, and a overworked , underfunded, let’s all be woke system.Personally speaking, I doubt if she will ever be punished , and or pay back anything significant of what she owes.I would go further and say that in 2 years time, she will be bankrupt again.Mainly for her own benefit, like KK.
However.Ask yourself, would you want to be her?
She is destroying herself.Her family( like the supportive Bear family), are helping her in this.I would not want to be her for 3.5 million pounds.What is going on in her head is manifesting itself on her body.And nobody can tell me that she is happy.Everything she values is based on fame,looks,money and a media presence, without that she thinks that she is a failure.
If it wasn’t for the fact that she goes out of her way to cause hurt my heart would bleed for her.
Yes, she has got away with things, but not morally or spiritually, And contrary to what she thinks, this is the stuff which really matters.
As for Mr. Bear.He is finished.There may be one interview( which will eviscerate him)but that will be all.He will continue on Sm of course, but the big money( and decent people) will not be part of his future.
There is always a bill to pay.Price will pay hers in full,But not in the way she thinks.