It's all a bit excitable here!
Kids get hyper and act up. They're young, living with someone who won't be enforcing many rules, and playing to the camera. Plus if they're back at school they'll be even more keen to let rip when they're home. Price will have egged them on, we know that. Throw in some cheap sweets and fizzy pop, job done.
Sadly OF is everywhere. Kids will talk about it in the playground. A huge percentage of kids see hard core pornography in the playground, it's a serious problem across the country. It's appalling but they definitely won't be alone in knowing about it, in some limited way. Bunny and Jett's mother isn't exactly the normal mother. Her career was based on selling her sexualised image. They've grown up with it.
If social services are adamant they can't go back to their father (and that seems to be speculation) there will be a reason. It's none of our business.
It's extremely unusual for children to be kept back to repeat a year in primary school. It happens, but I taught mainstream for a very long time and never experienced it first hand. (Once, I remember it happening once. A child whose parents were killed in an awful accident and he went back to his previous teacher, for the emotional comfort as much as anything, short term). I'd take whatever Bunny said with a pinch of salt.
Hope some of that helps.
OF is everywhere? Literally none of the children at my kids primary school know about it. This subject was raised by parents during a recent social media training for parents and the teachers said not one child had mentioned it and they've had no issues with children accessing porn.
The issue they had was a year or 2 ago, some of the children had been watching Squidgame. My kids have never mentioned OF and neither have their friends and they tell us everything about school. Maybe you mean secondary school?
Yes the kids were hyper and acting up to the camera with someone who doesn't give them any rules or boundaries. That's what everyone is annoyed about. Have I missed something?
Yes, skankys career WAS based on everything being sexualised. But the kids shouldn't have been brought up around it and it be normalised.
J and B are still very young too and it's still not too late for someone to intervene and protect them.
Sorry but I genuinely don't understand your post or its purpose. Maybe I'm just tired as it's late.
Tattooed nipples are offered as part of reconstruction after mastectomy, and could be a sensitive subject for some here.
Plus having tattoos whilst being afraid of needles is common, injections are different.
Not preaching, not policing, just mentioning.
Most definitely not defending price.
Even this one, I was going to let it go but I feel the need to respond.
Tattooed nipples are offered after mastectomy but
a) skanky hasn't had it. Hers fell off due to her own stupidity
b) we can't tiptoe around subjects like that because there will always be something that someone is sensitive about due to a personal experience. But as long as its skanky we're taking the piss out of and not women who have had a mastectomy, I think we're OK.
C) I think we've established ourselves enough here to know that what we say about skanky is not a reflection on how we judge people in reality (for the most part).
The second part about tattoos. Well
a) skanky gets needles put in for fillers and botox despite her "phobia"
B) you might not think its the same thing but skanky has said numerous times that she loves getting tattoos but she's scared of the tattoo needle. She even went on about her
bullshit phobia in the middle of a session!
That's what we take the piss out of.
I think I really need to sleep!