I've been on the maximum dosage of tramadol and pregabalin for years, it gets hit and miss after a while.
I also have liquid morphine (for something different, trigeminal neuralgia, a whole new level of pain).
So price, you're going to have to keep upping the ante with your fake hurty parts because that painkiller hit won't last forever. Get the medical dictionary out and find more ideas.
I don't comment much on the foot saga because I'm in a wheelchair, in agony every day and night, and find it so offensive. I definitely can't ski or any of the things this lying prat does, not a chance. I've managed to get back on a horse a couple of times and it wasn't just painful, it was exhausting (emotionally exhilarating and very moving, physically incredibly hard).
Go and have more unnecessary vanity surgery.
Get your painkiller hit.
Make yourself look even more ridiculous.
But the whole can't walk thing?
Go duck yerself pet.