I’m sorry you went through that.
I know exactly what she said as HER versions, but on the night, she told the hospital she was kicked in the head. She also admitted to drinking alcohol. Numerous people, including the press have seen video of the aftermath of the night. Apparently it is quite upsetting. The upshot is, once sobered up, realising what evidence SB has on her, she decides to no longer cooperate. The Sun were furious that she came out with this statement, I don’t know why they didn’t take it further, maybe they got the Caroline Fkack threat too. SB knows she has lied to him.
The one thing she got right was SHE didn’t call the police, that was either the emergency services or Harvey’s carer, who was there when she ran to his house. Remember, KP can lie for England, when she needs to. It will all come eventually.