So true, something is bound to happen to her soon with her lifestyle, she has pretty much abused her body with all manners of drugs for too long now, and with all the surgery she’s a ticking time-bomb for serious health issues or worse hitting her sooner or later.
Mentioned before I lived the hedonistic party life through my 20s and early 30s, just got so bored of it and feeling constantly hungover at about 33 was dreadful, settled down, have a wonderful a family now, life is bliss, my old life binned. Still go out and have a blast on occasion but no more crazy all night stuff for me, well past it and I’m same age as Skank, state of her now, gee who’d want her life.
Have to say I still see some of my old party friends, all my close friends left that life as well. When we catch up we often say what happened to so and so we used to see about Brighton, The real hardcore druggy and alcoholic people in bars we went to. Can say over last 5 years I know of 6 people from those days in their 40s/50s who’ve died due to alcoholism and the effects of that lifestyle . One girl who was always high, not a friend but occasionally I‘d chat with her, she was lovely but totally lost in that world, died last year. She was trying to give up I heard, but fell badly when drunk one night, got sepsis and as her body was so weak due to her years of abuse, she didn’t survive.
Skank is that woman (other than the lovely bit) the party life will get her in the end, to be honest I’m surprised it hasn’t already, but time is not on her side, she ain’t gonna stop, it’s waiting for her. She doesn’t care her children will lose a mother, she is an addict, and is surrounded by enablers such as these two wankers she’s currently on this trip with, both of them using her for their own personal gain, absolutely fake all of them. These people are not your friends, they will destroy you, I give it another year or sooner before something really bad happens, she’s too old now to live this party life much longer without serious consequence to her health.