''The thing is though hers are all held together with plates and screws so the bone healing process doesn't really apply there. Yes plates and screws can come lose but wearing the moon boots won't help with that one bit. If she needs corrective surgery she should know now not have to wait until September to find out.''
....Just replying to what
@mrspig99 said from t'other thread. I did think the screws and plates should sort everything out but apparently, complications are common in that type of foot surgery, around 25%. Drilling in scews and taking out all the crushed bone is a pretty brutal thing to
do and can be complicated in healing. I know that from personal experience and that was just my arm, which didn't have entire body weight resting on it. She has also smoked and probably not taken medical advice which can complicate things.
So although, yes she is a repeat liar, it's hard to say she's talking complete shite about all this IMO. Of course she loves to exaggerate and I'm not sure I believe she needs the Frankenstein boots on.