I have a theory:
I have followed KH, MP, EA and PA on Instagram for a while.
MP is the only one with settings that mean you can't just follow her.
I, of course, saw and liked both Jett and Bunny's birthday posts from both MP and KH- they were entirely in their normal style, captions were sweet and thoughtful and full of love.
However on MP's Jett's birthday post, someone comments and remarks it's odd that Princess is following MP.
Why would Princess follow MP? Presumably because it's a way of connecting with her half siblings and her bonus brothers (Valentino and Apollo)- us mums tend to post pics of the kids, I know my cousins follow me to see us all together, for example.
But this commenter did seem to think it was very strange.
I wonder if, maybe, MP might have been hacked.
Anyone here on the Yo and Alice thread? One of his daughters accessed his Instagram account- hacked, if you will, but in the most basic way- and posted very offensive stuff there.
It was there long enough for Alice to see and comment and for everyone to get screenshots.
Could this possibly have happened at all here?
Those posts from MP were really not in keeping with her usual posts and tone, though I admit that could be because the subject matter is so upsetting.
Anyway, food for thought, Krusties!