I don't even know where to start with it all today. I could go on for hours & hours.....I do NOT love it! Do you NOT love it?
Firstly for you Krustie's mentioning his PWS. There was at 1 point pics on the web that she'd posted from GOSH listing all his diagnosis....PWS was NOT on that list
If you go right back to when he was young, in any article listing his disabilities.....PWS is NOT listed
This leads me to believe it's utter bollocks & just her excuse for letting him get to that size by stuffing him full of ridiculous amounts of crap to 'keep him quiet'.
The nightclub débâcle has actually made me feel physically sick
. In this day & age that is acceptable? Really? Have we gone back in time?
The wording in 1 article saying Katie usually charges more but she wants Harvey to make his own money. NO, the fact is nobody wants to pay her
duck all to appear anywhere anymore so she's pimping him out for a quid
She's like a
bleeping Poundland Kris Jenner 'momager'
He does not look happy in any of those pics. He looks like he has no
bleeping idea what the hell is going on
I do not believe for 1 second he willingly posed for those pics. He will have been coerced & that is VERY wrong.
As a mum of 4 neurodiverse kids, I cannot imagine putting any of mine in a social situation where they would be uncomfortable. It will have caused some level of upset & distress. Someone will be dealing with the fallout today. But it won't be her. She doesn't give a flying
duck. I also suspect he will have had his regular medication altered to help him
be more manageable feel more comfortable.
She looks on edge in every
crappy pic. Her frozen fucked filtered face & body language scream 'on edge'. She
bleeping KNOWS what a risk she was taking doing this.
And what a
bleeping mess she looked
How the hell is fungi Fern gonna fix that at the plasterclasses??