If I was a judge, I’d be getting up to speed with a bit of reading and facts about the con artist thats going to be in front of me tomorrow. You’d have to live in a cave not to know anything about this woman. Just read about her life the past year, would be a huge eye opener. The drink driving while banned, turning car over with no insurance and avoiding jail as an outcome. Drugs, bankruptcy hearing looming, yet constantly on holidays. Lack of custody of kids. Parading Harvey around like a performing circus bear. Stating she’s disabled, can’t walk, yet evidence to the contrary. SlapGate, faking (so she says) being assaulted therefore wasting police & emergency services time and lying to them. The constant harassment and bullying on exes and their partners. Have I missed anything? Basically an extremely offensive, cunning, unpleasant grifter who needs to be put in jail, then when released, tagged. Hope her passport in taken too, then she will be FUk’D.