As a parent to a learning disabled and autistic Darling Son, my main beef with her has always been how she treats Harvey. Not just Harvey, but the other 4 too - they are there to be used for her own gain, IMHO.
Knowing what I do from our own Son, Harvey is extremely vulnerable - that photo of him in the street, made me so very, very sad for him. He won't have realised the implications of him dropping his shorts to have a wee, but he could have been so easily hurt/abused hurled at him.
There was some video in the rented home, with holes in the walls - she has said before he will hurl and break things, punch out. We don't have this with our Son, but I've known other parents that do have this, from the cared for persons frustration.
The sheer level of noise, disruption and chaos would be enough to cause any of us
, but for Harvey it would be so utterly overwhelming.
You could see there was genuine affection and love from Kieran and Kris. I can't imagine Carl has much idea - does his best I expect, but the other two really tried to help him. The weight gain has come from her inability to control his eating - and the latest thing of Harvey eating a ready made meal, just well... Words fail me!!
She could use her social media as a way to raise awareness around Harvey's condition - but she doesn't. Harvey's Law - what's happened to that? She could be a Patron to one of the Autistic charities, but she doesn't.
So, so many things she could help change, and yet doesn't. Why? As his Mum, wouldn't you want to help make change happen, not just for your own child, but for others that shall come after.
She's an utter
bleeping witch, as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad/happy Harvey will now be in a place of safety, and contentment. He will be cared for and nurtured as he needs to be. No more chaos around him, but routine and what he needs for his future, in his own right.
I'm sorry for my long message - really I am, but it's a subject close to my own heart.