In all seriousness though girls, we're still in a global pandemic. Millions dead. We're so lucky in that we've had financial support, we're all adept with social media, so even those on here who are home alone still had people to talk to. We have amazon prime and home shopping delivery. Some people have had it tough, but to my knowledge, no one has starved or, as in India, suffocated to such an extent they've leapt from hospital windows to end their suffering. All we've been asked to do is stay home during lockdowns and wear a mask.
Stay home and wear a mask. Two simple things that can save saves.
So why the duck is Delo bombing it down a plastic slide, Turkey teeth rattling in the open air, no mask, at a place where children play? A place where children could pick up covid and unwittingly pass it on to a poorly relative when they go for a cuddle.
I know we laugh, but this on top of all the lockdown parties makes Shirls blood boil.