Katie Hayes #219 Says she’s thriving but willing to risk it all with her drink driving

Ruining my Facebook feed
Billy bullshitter

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Start of the journey - hair frazzled to duck from bleach and extensions, and brushed out to look tit.
End of the journey - months of natural growth and blow dried out with a serum on to add the shine. She’s the modern day equivalent of a snake oil salesman.
Ruining my Facebook feed
Billy bullshitter

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A girl I know takes this
supplement, says it’s really good, her hair has brown a lot

But when u see this baboon and that other horror Erin mcgregor being used as spokespersons for it, it makes me wanna take my money somewhere else
Shame, have probably bought them if it wasn’t for the pisspoor people they use to advertise
Fucken scally my ass he talks like an absolute weapon doesnt have a scall in him little posh boy from wirrial 🤣
Ha ha ha can’t believe what ive been reading on here don’t really watch her anymore shes a tool but saying she was once a orphan at christmas for a few years had made me piss myself considering her ma and da are ok not the full shelling but still alive and kicking
She's just rude, I'd be gutted if someone I followed spoke to me like that.
Me too, honestly she's so horrible.

Me and gammon have been out all day shopping and I know its mad Friday but the amount of divvies out rotten, all I could think was she gets in a car and drives or as a passenger, honestly makes me so sick. How can she live with herself...