Big pat on the slab back to our girl
@Fluffyducks for this corker of a winning thread title. Your B perfect Chroma is in the post troll ✉
The previous thread did get a little bit mumsnet and while we wouldn't normally indulge in repetitive posts about a person's parenting style, trolls are becoming concerned and rightly so.
Following elderberries discharge from hospital Kate was ever so dramatic about the whole experience and updated Instagram with a mostly illiterate post. Because when your newborn 'stops breathing' strangers on the internet must always be top priority. Well we see where Kate's priorities lie here with these pictures submitted by
@Glittercandy12 showing that Kate turned her like count on once she seen them validation likes where coming in thick and fast
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As well as creaming her knickers off reactions from strangers on the internet, Kate did what any mother would do on the day of her baby's discharge from hospital, and got on the ale. Interestingly, this wasn't posted to Instagram because she has to have her followers be of the impression that they're still in hospital and it's all very serious. A clever troll found this little gem on Snapchat though
nothing gets past us top trolls Katie Jane
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And rather than keep her baby home after she was hospitalised because she 'stopped breathing', the next day the Make-ups where stomping round the marine lake. And despite them having PTSD from this medical emergency, they where comfortable with Mulberry being completely out of view behind a pram apron, very confident that their newborn wouldn't suddenly 'stop breathing' again
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And on the subject of PTSD, I'm not sure if trolls are aware of this brand new information because I know myself that I haven't read the latest medical journals. But did you know that apparently PTSD can now be self diagnosed at a day post traumatic event? No. Me neither.
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On the subject of not letting anybody hold Blueberry anymore .....
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As I said earlier, trolls are becoming concerned about Kates parenting which is why it's been discussed at such great length on the previous thread. I think the main worry is the fact that Blackberry has got the biggest dummy known to man constantly shoved down her throat, completely blocking off her ability to breathe through her nose all for the
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It would appear that this unexpected week long (2 day) hospital admittance played havoc with Easter leaving poor little Olive so deprived
Despite her being out at an easter party with a family member on Saturday then following that, grabbing at the donated easter eggs for the seriously ill children hospitalised over Easter from a very intimidated easter bunny, it would appear that they where home in time for easter. So she missed out on nothing... whereas the genuinely sick kids missed out on the easter gifts that the make ups scavved from the donations
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We seen they grabbed the easter bunny for a photo for the gram
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That poor bunny looks proper intimidated and now I know why... Kate told us herself. Her daughter is a grock!
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Charming way to describe your petite tanned daughter with the highlighted locks
As I mentioned earlier about truffle tits dramatising the whole hospital stay...
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"Berry was let off the machine for the first time in days".....
She went into hospital on Thursday. This picture of her holding Berry minus machines was taken on Friday. They where home Saturday
The math ain't mathing hunnay!
So now the twits are in their stay at home era with their self diagnosed PTSD, they've turned to Olive to provide the entertainment for when daddy DIY comes in from a full day's graft to eat his scran sat on his daughters bed. So wholesome
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I guess her staying at home era also means more free time to get on the ale while responsible for minors. With one of them being known to 'stop breathing'
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Staying at home era also means lecturing your followers to turn off their televisions and play a bloody board game while your television is blatantly switched on in the background... the idiocy is strong with this one
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Staying at home era means less content... so what's a mother to do? Of course, let's make a big song and dance about the new baby having something seriously wrong with it
Because a bit of colic and mild milk rash just doesn't cut it in the hun world. So panic stations are go, time to swing the poor kid around manically while ranting about her potentially suffering from tongue tie, lactose intolerance, CMPA etc etc. And these conditions are just not spoken about enough so here comes guru Kate with her fountain of knowledge as a result of the medical degree she has that we've seen absolutely no proof of. Because she knows best
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Credit to
@BBC1HD for the spot the difference pictures... I'm struggling to find a single one!
Anyhow, that brings me to the end of my Ted talk. And if I haven't credited a troll in anything that's because I don't follow trends, I don't give a
tit about what people think and I will create threads in my own way. Thankyou
But just before I sign off the mumsnet thread, I do have to credit our star of the show
@Tomi2015 who yet again came in with something totally irrelevant to the thread and stole the fuckin show
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Catch him Derry