I think it’s because it’s been mentioned about his party ways on here. Keeping out of it! If you’re well known in an area, people are gonna talk. God anyone who lives on our UC estates gets talked about
if they are up to anything. Their whole life, when they
tit, eat, go to B&Q, get a Starbucks goes online. If it is true what is said about Lemo, parties, call girls etc imagine how much he is shitting it on the daily.
She would be more successful and have more integrity if she just kept her pages on topic! If she used social media professionally, no one would be saying anything negative! No one would mind ads or gifting if she didn’t have to make a point of being so extra and fake! She relies on influencing younger people, who lets face it we have all been there, shallow and take things at face value!
Ever felt jealous of the cocky popular ones at school? Then when you get past 21 you see past the facade and see their true colours? She’s one of them.