Kate Murnane #2

Still no baby apparently


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Come on you guys, she's on her maternity leave now following the vast amount of work she has done in the lead up to this baby. She fully deserves some time off now doesn't she?!? 🤣 I mean, that pumpkin must've taken quite some time to draw on!

I do feel quite sorry for her in all honesty though. It seems she feels absolutely zero passion or motivation for her 'job' as a 'Digital Creator' due to never creating anything digital nowadays unless it has ANY kind of sponsor, however terrible the sponsorship ends up being but she's a bit trapped isn't she? She has no actual skills under her belt to fall back on when this bubble they're living in finally pops. Her husband has foolishly wasted his chance to further his own skills and career should he ever need to support his family if this silly 'job' his wife has ends which it has every risk of doing so. What will he put on his CV if he needs to get a job in the future? (Spent the best part of the last decade playing video games, going on free holidays and taking my wife to shopping centres to enquire about freebies in exchange for an ad on Instagram?)

I certainly wouldn't class her current work status as a safe, stable income. In reality anything could happen for it to all come crashing down without notice. She is already running out of content ideas when she actually bothers to do any 'work'. Her followers have already seen all she has to offer before (pregnancy, babies, fast fashion hauls, home renovation hauls, etc) and considering she hasn't even bothered with any of these since deciding to only do a video if a company offers her sponsorship or freebies, there's not much she is actually offering her current followers or any new ones that pass by her accounts. There's nothing new and her renovation rubbish won't last forever.

Her children are growing up and this job of hers is violating and invading their privacy. I can't imagine how hard it must be for Archie if any of the children in his school discover they can see inside his home, see him having a bath, getting ready for bed, etc. It's such a shame for them that their bone idle parents would rather sit watching free Sky TV all day whilst they're at school than actually put some effort into gaining the skills and qualifications needed to enter a well paid career that will provide future privacy and safety as the children enter the older years of primary school and beyond (not the easiest of years for many kids in terms of fitting in, being judged by peers, etc) as well as financial stability for when it all goes belly up for them.

I think this has crossed Kate's mind and she has tried to carve a new career for herself through the jewellery business which I believe she had unrealistic hopes for huge success considering she has a larger than average audience compared to many other start up businesses. I don't think she can leave her job as a walking-talking-advert any time soon for a jewellery company that doesn't seem to be doing all that well? With the combined audience she has across her YouTube and Instagram, the giveaway (giving away her jewels for FREE)she had over on her jewellery page recently didn't raise the following of her new business venture by much at all. Not very successful if you ask me.
Spot on!

She 9 days overdue but I thought they only let you go a week over now.
Think it depends on the circumstances. When I was pregnant I went 10 days overdue and was induced, friend of mine was induced at 7 days over.

I think baby will be any day now but she won’t reveal anything for a few weeks.
I think a boy called Albie
I think Albie is too close to Archie and although I really like the name, probably too boistorous for Kate. Archie and Elliot are quite common, ‘nice’ names. I think Louis or Lewis, or maybe Harry or Henry. Defo a boy though. I dunno if it’s because of her miscarriage, but she hasn’t shared as much of this pregnancy as her others. I have a feeling they know it’s a boy too. It’s quite sad as a lot of her comments on her post are like ‘🤞🏼 For a girl’ maybe they just wanted another baby? I don’t think it’s very sensitive to be fussed about a rainbow babys gender which is why Kate hasn’t told anyone because there would be such a fuss around it if it was a boy or girl. Boy because she already has 2, and girl because people will be like ‘finally a girl!’
Either they genuinely didn’t know the gender or they knew it was a boy. If it was a girl I think she’d of done a huge gender reveal, nursery decor, hauls etc for baby girl stuff. That’s not to say she’s unhappy it’s another boy I just think she’d of made more a fuss with it being a girl after two boys.
I'm glad she's had a successful birth and ended up with a beautiful, healthy little one. That's all that matters really and I know women and men who wanted that more than anything in the world.

I do think they probably knew the gender. Did she at some point mention having the gender written down in an envelope? (Someone said that on here anyway but I don't know for sure). You can only have the gender written down in secret at a private scan which you pay for. Hospital staff that do the NHS scans you are given for free are not usually allowed to write down the gender. They can only tell you what they think there and then during the scan. Why else would you pay for a private scan to obtain the gender of your baby in an envelope if you then plan to never look at it?

They may well have had a private gender reveal just among their close family and kept it separate from what they shared on the internet. I think having a third baby when you already have 2 of the same gender always sparks opinions that you are only trying to get the other gender which is not the case for many.

Personally though, Kate doesn't strike me as a person who adores motherhood and wants to lengthen the time she is mum to a baby/toddler due to enjoying it so much with her other boys that she can't cope with those years of them being tiny being over.

From what she has shared about her experience of having babies and toddlers so far, she has portrayed it as a tough, tiresome time where with each milestone they reached, she was glad to be rid of that stage. She didn't enjoy breastfeeding (not because she had difficulty with the actual feeding process - some mums have awful difficulty getting their baby to latch etc, but because she hated getting up in the night - would rather Rikki do it for her -try doing this and then getting up for work the next day Kate- and hated how clingy Elliot became to her, which for me is one of the wonderful perks of breastfeeding. Your child wants to be close to their mum. Each to their own though.) She seemed to favour time with Archie when Elliot was younger because Archie was older, more mature and easier to look after which comes with age. Again, striking me as preferring older children.

On the rare occasions she has had the children alone (like once or twice 😂), she seems to really struggle and not enjoy it at all. I honestly don't think she would cope if she didn't have Rikki as a stay at home dad to basically do everything for the kids. Doesn't he usually do all the school runs, meals, dog walks, driving and then helps with or probably does all of the laundry, baths, bed times, etc - pre- new baby I mean?

I remember videos when she would be moaning that Elliot wouldn't have a nap unless he went on a massive walk with Rikki each morning. Erm, could it be he was ready to drop his nap? I guess it was a bonus for her. Rikki would take Elliot away for an abnormally long walk for a toddler, leaving her alone at home to swan around having time off and then Elliot would arrive back and spend the rest of the morning napping. Great mum memories with her youngest don't you think!?

She always seems so happy when the kids are both at nursery and school and she can get back to being a free adult again with endless time off.

This makes me greatly assume that she had her third purely to try for a girl and it's backfired because she now has a boy again and is back to square one in terms of the long nights, breastfeeding, potty changing, baby clutter all around her Instagram house, battling to force them to take naps and so on.

Let's hope not though as it would be lovely for Kate to pull out all the stops this time round and actually spend a bit of time enjoying the baby years rather than seeing it as a chore and shoving them off to nap/nursery/Rikki/her mum/school as soon as she gets a chance to.
They definitely knew the gender. If it had been a girl it would have been all pink balloons etc. I think Kate wanted a girl the first and second time so I wonder how she’s feeling the third time X

Gutted. I imagine she would not have had a third if she knew it would be a boy. It is why there was no gender reveal when they found out it was another boy.