Kate Murnane #2

I'm sorry but how is this girl earning enough money to pay her mortgage, bills and for food for her family when she literally appears to do nothing and her husband doesn't work!? I have an Instagram account which I use as a hobby and I post regular pics and a few reels now and then and I feel that I do more 'work' than her on my personal Instagram when it isn't even part of my job!! Let alone the ridiculous lack of videos on her YouTube channel. This is supposed to be her main career! It's disgusting.

I watch Emily Norris from time to time and whatever opinions people have about her, I will hold my hat off to her and say she works very hard on her career as a Youtuber/Influencer. She posts regular, consistent videos that show effort has been put in that must have taken a fair bit of time to do, they are creative (I know they can also be ad heavy) but she posts ones which are not advertising as well (Kate posts nothing unless it has an ad now), she also is posting posts and reels and stories on her Instagram daily and also has a home insta which she posts on regularly as well. She deserves her success so much more than Kate and Emily's husband works (or did do) so she often has her kids alone too! Kate has a stay-at-home husband who can look after her kids for her and do everything while she 'works'.

My hubby had a week's holiday recently and just having him around to help with some tasks was an absolute blessing. All I kept thinking was I could get on with so much more if he was here all the time (I run my own business but it's around the kids so mostly evenings when they're asleep). I then thought of Kate and it made me so angry that she has the luxury of her husband being around to help everyday and both her kids are in school (soon BOTH for FULL school days). My little one is starting pre-school this year and I have a baby as well but just the thought of having the morning with only my baby makes me super hopeful I'll be a bit more flexible if I'm lucky enough that my little one naps a bit now and then 🤣.

Kate doesn't know she's born!!!! Can someone make this bone idle waste of space go to a normal job or work on shifts please? All she does is go shopping for useless rubbish for her house and more renovation stuff but doesn't bother filming any of it to share on her channel. How can she afford what she keeps buying!? My husband and I earn a decent amount from hard work and we still have to be careful. She's shopping left, right and centre with no thought towards the cost.

My house has areas that need doing up (just new paint not extensions) but it's not a priority and we put it back due to it costing money!! Her house in its current state is absolutely lovely and is not in urgent need of renovation and she seems to have an endless pot of gold but how!? Just watched her stories and she has apologised for her lack of content on insta or something due to 'still not feeling well' as she has a 'cold that's going around' and then does a little sniff. I had a hernia/abodomen operation just under 2 weeks ago and couldn't even sit up because of the pain and can't lift anything including my baby for a few weeks. I think I've probably done more work than she has in the whole of her pregnancy during my recovery time so far and I certainly haven't had a perfect face of plastered on make up and perfectly styled hair / fashionable outfit whilst feeling ill as I haven't had time because guess what? I still have 2 little ones to look after whilst recovering!

Sorry for the rant but it has really got to me!! She does literally NOTHING, no videos really, her Instagram is just photos she occasionally puts on that have been found from ages ago when she was all done up or taken by a friend at an event, if she even bothers to post those, her effort in any of the content she creates is just poor. She and her husband do not deserve any aspect of the lifestyle they have and what awful role models for their poor children! I used to like Kate back in the day and she was the only Youtuber I really followed back then but my goodness I do not like her anymore.

One other thing (sorry this is long 🤣) but how is she not losing serious amounts of followers when she doesn't do anything? Her Instagram seems to have grown rather than diminish despite the complete lack of content!?!? Her home account is absolutely appalling for content and has loads of followers. I think the fact that only 6000 have bothered to follow her new jewellery venture shows how few of her huge following actually even look at her posts. They probably don't even appear in anyone's feed as she posts so little that her account won't be in the algorithms. Why don't all of those people following her just go and click 'unfollow' to do her a favour? Then she can go and do some actual work and offer something to our society. Maybe pay for her own sofa instead of having it given for free.
So she posts a tiny video showing some close ups of her freely gifted sofa and herself walking up to it and sitting down on it and she gets more money than a day's work for other people!?

She was showing off that mop thing the other week and she did a little video where she either got her husband to stand and hold her camera or just put it on a tripod and then did a clean of her floor. She spoke for about 1 minute or less about the features of it which you can find on the website so its not hard for anyone to do that and that was her work. She basically did a house chore which everyone else has to also do daily but she did the chore with a fancy mop she was given for free and got paid for doing it because she clicked record on a camera and said 3 facts about the mop which were written for her on the website where normal people would have to go to purchase it. That was probably her and her husband's week's work done after that!

It makes me sick and if you're reading this Kate, you don't deserve that mop. I hope one day you're mopping floors for other people as a way to get by because what has she actually done in life that deserves anything more? Some people only have that option in order to feed their families. I have a friend who is a cleaner btw and she works a damn sight harder than that woman and her husband put together in just one session of cleaning. She deserves the free mop and the money they have earned advertising it.

When you look at how hard more recent YouTubers have to work to get anywhere with it these days compared to the crap this woman barely even bothers to do for the same job. If she was starting out nowadays and not back when she just happened to do it at the right time, she'd get absolutely nowhere. I wish I hadn't watched her all those years ago. She doesn't deserve the views and likes I gave her. I wish it would all go up in the air for YouTube so they lose their jobs instantly. That'd be a good video to watch.
I think fair play to Rikki tbh. His wife does minimum work for maximum reward, he doesn't need to go out to work and can actually be there for pickup and drop offs and everything else for his boys. Surely that's what most parents would love? I know my husband would absolutely love to be a stay at home dad but earns literally 10x more than me so is the main earner and has to go out to work.
I've not got a problem with stay at home parents (dad or mum) at all if you can afford it as a family as I am also kind of that with my two atm. There is nothing better than being able to be there for your children and not worry about after school clubs etc or barely ever seeing them. What I don't like is how they can enjoy that sort of lifestyle where the pair of them are practically living like stay at home parents together when they seem to do very very little to earn enough to have that lifestyle as an option for them. Especially considering the size and cost of the property they are buying and the amount of spending and shopping for unnecessary things they do on such a regular basis.

My husband works with high stress and a senior role to bring in a really good amount for us and he'd give anything to have more time at home with the kids and me but it's not an option. We live in a house far less extravagant than them and in a cheaper area of the UK with the hope to pay off the mortgage much sooner so we can be more flexible with our work and not be chained to a mortgage. I feel we're really lucky and privileged to do that but we are having to be careful and work hard for it. They have far more it seems and do barely any work for it.

I wouldn't swap for one minute as privacy for my family is priceless but there are people in her line of work working so much harder and yet she continues to have a huge following and tons of advertising offers when it is very obvious in the content she produces that she puts very low effort into it.
I do think it’s pure laziness on his part. He probably jumped at the chance to stop working as he seems the type. Wouldn’t you want to keep yourself in a career, even if it was just part time?

Neither of them strike me as particularly happy, her pregnancy announcement and all stories since have just felt really flat. I don’t watch her vlogs but it really doesn’t surprise me that people mention how much rikki talks over her as I can see it on her Instagram. I doubt he even does much worthwhile him being at home, it seems to be her dad doing their house up. So does rikki just sit on the PlayStation all day aside from the school run? Personally I think it would make for a boring life and I’m a stay at home mum. I’d really resent my partner/husband if they didn’t do much to warrant being at home. I’m sure once the baby arrives, it’ll be nice to not be rushing for school everyday but equally I’d want to do it all 🤷🏼‍♀️ My mum had 4 children and while I can’t begin to imagine how hard it was, she’s so proud that she did it!
My issue with both of them is neither of them seem to do ANYTHING. Even if Rikki didn't work but Kate was churning out consistent content then I could understand she could be seen as working 'full time' although at home, so most of the childcare and cleaning would fall on him. But she's not?

She's lazy and barely puts out content. I understand not everyone wants to be a mummy vlogger but she has no niche - she's certainly not known for her 'hacks' despite the book, her fashion sense is fast fashion at its best and her house is bland.

She could at least be pushing out baby videos, showing some sort of effort, especially as although there's lots of pregnant YouTubers at the moment (lily pebbles, Anna has just given birth, Zoella) none of them seem to have capitalised on it really...
I agree with every comment about her. She’s so bloody lazy and does nothing. This new house has been a complete flop.,. She could have done a Kerry whelpdale and shown every step of the renovation journey but for her everything has to be insta perfect…

she only ever posts just before an ad due to boost engagement!

even the pregnancy has been really flat.
They seem to live local to her parents as her dad is always there and her mum has been mentioned and used for childcare etc a lot in the past (her mum seems so lovely btw, both parents do, she's extremely lucky to have their help and seems to just take advantage) so I see no reason why Rikki needs to be home. Both kids are now in full time school hours, she is off near enough all day every day apart from the one snippet of footage she will get now and again of her pushing a vacuum around or sitting on a new furniture piece which takes all of ten minutes and that's her work done. (I run my personal Instagram as a hobby and it takes me not a lot of time and I put a lot more effort into it than her I can tell you!) So she can do the school run and on the very odd occasion she might have an irl meeting or whatever, surely her dad can stop working on their pointless panelling etc to go and collect the kids?

She strikes me as not really enjoying time as a mum. She always seems to appear when they're back at school with a real air of genuine happiness that they've gone finally again. I know all parents enjoy a rest from their kids now and then and feel some relief from it but it seems to incredibly lift Kate's spirits when she can finally be back to doing nothing and having no kids around to plonk in front of the TV. I don't get why she's even having a third as on the occasions she's been left with the kids alone, all she does is moan about how she's just about managing! 3 isn't easier than 2 Kate! 🤣🤦 I totally think she'd just pass all the responsibility of the kids to her parents if she could as well.

I'm the same as toastedwoofles . Its tiring and hard work but I want to do it all and am so happy being a mum. So proud of the things my kids do with me.

Her stories effort earlier was opening a door and holding the camera to show from one side to the other? Hard work that was. I guess it will have an ad attached to that room soon enough.
At least her views are shocking on YouTube
Which is one good thing
Over 340,000 subscribers and her latest video only 2.1k views
She’s so lazy and clearly can’t be bothered.
She’s putting enough on insta just to get the money.
She doesn’t care about her followers or her “content” if you can even call it that.
This insta /YouTube gig won’t last forever
As other youtubers have found out
Good luck in a actual job with zero work history except selling on tatty overpriced jewellery.
You guys were right. She did a quick stories talk in her car about how ill she has been and that's why she hasn't been around much but really just to gain viewings again and wake up her pretty much abandoned Instagram so that she is in the algorithms again. Then a no effort little video of her 'nursery' room which would take anyone about 5 seconds to create (she's not in view so no need to put any effort into how she looks or even get dressed and there is no talking. Her child could have done it for her 😂). Then followed this by a share of a kitchen company which she has obviously only done in the hope that they will get in touch to 'work with her' and gift her the same top of the range kitchen for free in the process. Then low and behold she follows this with an ad for Shloer just at the point where her Instagram has been used enough to make her account appear in her followers feeds so that they click through and buy the Shloer. She will now go silent until the next ad.

Where are all the baby videos she keeps promising and updates? She has nearly given birth. Tbh, where is her YouTube video about her jewellery brand? You would think she'd want to get that up to advertise her stuff but then again, she wouldn't be paid to do that video as an ad as she would need to pay herself so she hasn't bothered 🤣.
She probably hasn't done any of the baby related videos as although she has mentioned many times that she would like to do them and wants to know what her viewers would like to see, no baby brands have been in touch to sponsor those videos and so she just hadn't bothered because she won't earn anything or get anything for free through doing that 'work'. I think she's in the wrong line of work as the idea of these YouTubers is to share your life with your viewers.
Posted on insta she really needs to get the baby some “necessity’s”
Someone’s hoping for a free pram
I thought the same. She’s clearly still angling for some freebies. I wonder if she’s actually been quiet because she’s been shocked at how little interest there has been about another baby? Perhaps she expected brands to be offering her everything? But if I’d gifted her things before I wouldn’t be offering the same items again. Surely she still has lots of stuff from her previous two?

She keeps saying she’s had a cold and that’s why she’s not been online but I just don’t believe it. I think something else is going on instead. She seems so unhappy and drained, I don’t think it’s the pregnancy it seems more than that. Even her photos today, it’s like her smile wasn’t genuine and she hadn’t even tried.