Firstly, her hair (length and colour) has aged her massively. The tone of her make up doesn't compliment the fake blonde look. She looked so much better and more youthful with her darker roots.
Secondly, the angle of the camera on her Tiktok live sales is terrible. It either makes her look twice her normal size or her Instagram reels are actually not showing her real size. She looks a completely different body shape (no body shaming intended - she looks in fab shape I'm just confused as to why there is such a difference?)
Third - the clothes she is trying to flog are absolutely atrocious! Why would anyone in their RIGHT MIND be fooled into paying those rip off prices for such tat? HOW can she be selling out of some styles!!? She is NEVER seen wearing any of those things herself. Why would she be buying similar things (but in much better quality and that's just Primark quality) if she could wear the things from her 'own brand' instead? The fact she isn't tells you something about how awful that stuff is!
I really think the bubble is bursting for her. Channel Mum has been liquidated and has been taken over by M&C Saatchi. I think what has happened is that she was long time friends with the Channel Mum bosses and so they treated her very well. Sending all the best sponsorship deals her way, letting her get away with little to no effort in terms of the content she was producing, etc. They sung her praises when describing her to have a large, loyal following and to be basically one of the best influencers to work with in their directory. I think since the change in management, she no longer gets special treatment. Their description of her on their website is vague and shows her to be no more special than the other influencers they work with.
Have you noticed how she has done a fair amount of content recently for free? No ads attached to them? Primark hauls, GRWM outfits, cringe reels that hook on to the latest trend/music. She's not getting the level of sponsorships she needs to fund the expensive lifestyle they've been living. Flogging the clothes is probably something she has to do to help pay her enormous mortgage/extension bills. It's just a shame that even that avenue of money making has come so easily to her due to having an account with a large level of followers.
Honestly, if she was starting out now, she would have NO chance. Hopefully M&C Saatchi kick her out on her ear soon.