Kate - its_not_kates_time

Underneath it all, I think she's just really angry that she has cancer. That's understandable, but from Kate it feels like the anger is because she thinks someone like her shouldn't get cancer – like she's just above it or something. When of course people of any age can and do get cancer.

Even with her treatment, she thinks she's special because she's 'cured' herself, when in fact she's been on the gold standard medical protocol from the very beginning with the immune therapy she's on – that's what has kept her alive this long, not all the other nonsense.
Kate has said herself she knows nothing about cancer… she also laughed when her oncologist asked whether she would be an ambassador for the lung foundation.. she’d only do it if she were paid! Whether it was in jest or not, maybe her denial has helped her stay out of “cancer world” and convinced her she can beat the odds. (Kind of an insult to everyone else who bravely fought their cancer). They didn’t “lose” either, cancer’s been impossible to “cure” since we began to learn about it.
I still maintain Mexico does dodgy scans. The hope 4 cancer title is no accident - it basically just deals hope as a drug, drains people’s bank accounts and allows them to live in denial… then they come home, have proper scans or start to experience the inevitable symptoms of their terminal, incurable cancer.
Kate’s story has offered a lot of hope, and I don’t know whether she fully understands the ramifications of pushing unproven therapies on people, or shitting on western medicine… her poor daughter. I hope she’s made plans for her.
Accidentally posted this in Ann’s thread 🤦🏼‍♀️ but this is in reference to Kate.

Has everyone listened to her “Everyone has an Ex” podcast episode from a few years ago? Quite revealing as to her beliefs about herself. She is a warrior in all things and cancer is no different (ps. I am not saying “warrior” like it’s a good thing) There is a very strong need for OTHERS to view her through this lens. She is better and different than all others. She is not a mere mortal who succumbs to cancer. She is a survivor. The End.
Kate’s story has offered a lot of hope, and I don’t know whether she fully understands the ramifications of pushing unproven therapies on people, or shitting on western medicine… her poor daughter. I hope she’s made plans for her.
Well, we know she blew almost her entire pension payout on her first trips to Mexico (she confirmed that when she got the second diagnosis and had to fundraise) and her ex-husband is a drug addict who has never been involved in their daughter's life, so I'm not hopeful that she's done much to prepare other than assuming the grandparents will step in if needed.

She has a house and business that I guess could be sold (assuming she hasn't remortgaged, etc.). If her attitude towards her cancer is anything to go by, I suspect Kate lives a lot of aspects of her life in denial and without much thought for the future. We only see the real Kate when she lets the flashes of anger show any time things aren't going her way.
She didn’t cope well with leaving things to the traditional medical people. The state of her in hospital really showed how deep her need is to feel in control of her situation. She truly believes she is better at home with a friend than in the care of doctors.

I don’t doubt anything she’s said about her cancer. I don’t think she’s lied. But I really hope that the H4C thing and the Disco Radiology stuff was only possible for her financially by promoting them as that is the only possible wasn’t can even begin to understand the irresponsibility of it.
Big claims in her bio here…


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