Like a fashion magazine, nobody is expected to buy everything on any influencer’s IG just inspiration. If anything Kate now does more regular fashion looks due to the success of her reels. She still pulls all her fashion clothes together using affordable high street stores like Zara, New Look, H&M etc…just with a few designer accessories mixed in. Only bought the Lady Dior bag this Summer & YSL LouLou last Christmas not excessive bags every week. Others like the Gucci bag are PR for an affordable monthly bag hire site. To pretend she only uses or aspires to cheap high street bags/ accessories would be a worse lie as she is a successful woman in Fashion. I still find her relatable unlike most fashion influencers who are 100% designer clothes & don’t ever wear the clothes they promote at all. Balance is good & awareness to share links to more affordable dupes of her designer accessories/ shoes.
Naturally gorgeous women do exist without ever having any fillers - simply jealousy to persistently imply she has definitely had work done but super naturally since her teens. Only extreme fakes like Lauren Goodger are delusional enough to edit childhood photos - Kate obviously isn’t like that at all. Her brother even has similar broad smile / lips. Just like many people, she is just lucky to have naturally nice lips.