When’s the cleaners coming back to this tit tip I’m illWorth the wait our kid All hail @QueenBarb2
When’s the cleaners coming back to this tit tip I’m illWorth the wait our kid All hail @QueenBarb2
You are the bestTwo accounts back on Instagram but both have the same email.
That needs to be the next thread Kate Hayes #34 KHM the girl who cried TrollMakes me laugh all the people blowing smoke up her ass. Some are the least girls girls you could imagine. One in particular I noticed has broken up more than one family home . THM needs to realise not everybody is going to like you (especially with the amount of followers she has - I was going to say ‘public figure’ but it made me feel a little nauseous). Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, these arent always the same as another persons and thats ok. This is definitely an engagement stunt. KHM, the girl who cried Troll
They’ve probably told her she needs to stay in for a day or two after the jabs and she hasn’t had time to fit them in yet.I haven’t seen anything either and have been waiting. My girl is a day older than Olive and duck me I had the worst 48 hours of my life after she had her 8 week injections. But that wouldn’t fit in with a dreamy baby would it?!
It’s the same as the “Ninja” insta where she was asking what your username was from Tattle. It’s deffo Kate or one of her croniesThey were two separate but have merged into just the Sarah one
same I’ve been to hell and back and then back again but yano what I’m not ashamed I don’t wear it as a badge I don’t seek sympathy from strangers on Instagram! I just get on with it! To many people cry depression when really they are not it makes a fuckin mockery of the people who live with it constantly! For some it’s a trend and THM is one of them! If she lived an hour in my head she’d know what mental health is! ImMy head still believes she has involvement in it.
She has not turned the comments off.
She certainly hasn’t blocked them.
Clearly not reported either account.
Only addressed the Sarah account & not the Olive account on her comment! I mean why would she tho when they keep switching account names on the comments.
She has never pointed the above point out.
It has now made her post relevant and current conveniently as its Mental Health Awareness! Yet low and behold her post about the Salli Hughes brought no attention and Zero Fucks given! It’s clearly made her upset and distraught NOT asshe is quite happily OVER SHARING!!!!!!
From someone who has mental health, high levels of anxiety with a combined dose of paranoia thrown in for good measure I would have been ill & unable to function let alone interact on social media. Everyone is different but it does not sit right with me at all.
Her child may have saved her, so she should step up and save Olive.
My opinions are my own and I ain’t a Troll. I’m an ordinary lass who over thinks and has a voice.
Can I just say to all the lovely folk on Tattle who are suffering from mental health or just the daily grind I applaud you for continuing to make it to the next day. ❤
For all the tattlers who are suffering from the effects of covid or have a loved with this terrible demon I hope everyday you are winning the Battle. ❤❤
It is very insulting! Her fella must be a fuckin drip to put up with this tit!It’s the reposting that does my head in as well. If she was so upset she would take time away. She is obsessed, it’s actually scary.
She uses mental health like a trend, it’s insulting to people that actually suffer.
That’s what fucks me off about her aswell. She’s so self-absorbed. When she did the pregnancy shoot with that ridiculous picture of her in the hat, she reposted 89 other stories that other people had written! I know I’m sad for counting but I couldn’t believe how many times she did itIt’s the reposting that does my head in as well. If she was so upset she would take time away. She is obsessed, it’s actually scary.
She uses mental health like a trend, it’s insulting to people that actually suffer.
It’s a joke. She lives her life for Instagram.That’s what fucks me off about her aswell. She’s so self-absorbed. When she did the pregnancy shoot with that ridiculous picture of her in the hat, she reposted 89 other stories that other people had written! I know I’m sad for counting but I couldn’t believe how many times she did it
So the ninja insta wasnt ninja or was ninja Kate and crew all along? My heads cabbagedIt’s the same as the “Ninja” insta where she was asking what your username was from Tattle. It’s deffo Kate or one of her cronies