Kat Von D

I like the arms and i do like her leg with the one tattoo left but i’m not a fan of blacking out the whole back. Surely removal and cover ups would be the better option? But then i think black is an easy colour to remove so maybe its easy to reverse?
I can’t see a scar here, the red line is from her Hollywood tattoo?

That’s a tummy tuck scar. The Hollywood tattoo isn’t there anymore and you can see the bottom of the girl with the wings tattoo ha also been cut off.
Without saying too much, I’ve attended sales events for beauty brands and saw a KVD seminar after she sold her shares. Kat wasn’t mentioned a single time during the “Brand History” part, and the staff got pretty cagey any of the attendees mentioned her or accidentally called the brand “Kat Von D.” Made me think she definitely left the business on bad terms.
Unfollowed her a long time ago as most of her posts just made me roll my eyes. Surprised to read about no longer being vegan! Also surprised about the amount of blackout ink she’s having, that’s a lot of work being covered up.
Has to be a tummy tuck. She was huge when pregnant (no judgement here, so was I) so it tracks that she would have loose skin she wanted to get rid of.

I haven’t heard anything from KvD in years, is she still with her creepy husband?
Yup, still with him! She’s totally ruined her career. Does she even tattoo anymore? She’s not part of that makeup company, she’s still high voltage and lives in the middle of nowhere (Indiana).
I don't think she's tattooing at the moment.

I also wonder if they are low on money, the house in LA sold for much less than she wanted and she never posts pics of the interior of the house in Indiana - must be underwhelming - I mean by her standards and compared to her old house. Sometimes you can see a bit in a photo and it looks nothing like her LA mansion, just regular furniture and ugly carpet.
Yes it's strange considering that years ago she bashed Trump and even un-invited a winner from one of her launch parties when she saw that the woman was a Trump fan.

She just turned around completely and now SHE is a die-hard conservative, hanging out with Trump fans, visiting a creationist's museum, babbling about tossing out witchcraft books from her home - the list goes on.
Haven't thought much about Kat Von D for about 10 years (used to love LA ink!) and have visited her Insta out of pure curiosity.
The whole body black out is too much in my opinion, I can't imagine it's healthy to have that much ink in your body. The move to Indiana seems cute and quirky, but I can't help but wonder if she'll just get bored of small town life like she's got bored of every other project she's had?
Her son is very cute and seems to have changed her priorities completely. Her music is not terrible, but feels a bit dated imo.
She's a bizarre one for sure, but I'm kind of fascinated with how she's living life now!