VIP Member
I did think, I hope Hettie is happy to have needy, grabby, hop on anyone's coat tails Pascale post a picture of her online when, to be fair, her own mother never does.
I agree with you but I also follow some other influencers (Naomi Ross and Lydia Tomlinson come to mind) who are very successful full time instagrammers. They are younger, but they are so much more stylish and professional in my opinion. Kay has lost her way but she may see this as the sacrifice she has had to make to get on TV. I used to love her account when I first joined insta and she was a great source of inspiration (even though I have nowhere near her budget). However, the wine reeks and the awful makeup and skincare reels have spoiled her account.I get that it's a job but it's a job that relies entirely on other people liking you, giving you gigs and interacting with you . It's exceptionally insecure and intrusive. So yes, it's a job but not a steady, secure one in any way.
I can't see this on Pascal's insta?
Think it’s in their job description!I wish they’d shut their mouths
She obvs doesn’t worry about her alcohol count for the week or early morning driving ?She seems to do very little else but drink, talk about being hungover, complain, shop and drink more.
I screenshot this one as I thought the same! I mean FFS if you’re genuinely having that great a time then who honestly stops mid-laugh to take a selfie! And I’ve said it before, but are Kat and Pascale ever home to parent their kids any more?! Teenagers still need some emotional support and TLC as much as little ones do!Oh dear lord the fake , open gobbed photos...also they're all so stuffed with botox their foreheads dont move and they've all got bunny nose wrinkles.
Agree. If I got divorced I’d spend my extra free time swimming, riding my horse, going on long dog walks with friends. Not getting shitfaced all the time - it’s fun every now and then, but you feel terrible the next day and ultimately feel worse as booze is such a depressant. Also I did all that in my 20s.I often think women like that couldn't have had much of a life before they were married? Or just seem to think that going out getting pissed is living their best life ever. God knows what their kids must think??