She hasn’t a genuinely constructive thought in that head of hers - the Ronan comparison was beyond the pale! Ronan is an actress who has risen up the ranks because she is talented at what she does. It is not within her role to sell the illusion of relatability.
For influencers you simply need to look at the name to understand all that they amount to: cheap marketing tools for companies to utilise as a vector extending out towards a younger, more malleable audience in hopes that they will buy whatever rubbish is being pawned off on them. There is the illusion of relatability which is why such people follow influencers, a somewhat aspirational component thinking ‘if I buy this, I can be closer to their lifestyle/who they are/what they represent’. Once you edge out of that and no longer are classified as aspirational in an achievable sense, you are no longer fit for purpose in terms of what you can provide. It’s a different audience entirely, a different product market. How can Kasey call herself an influencer and not understand that?
That Laura one is a melt too. Weirdly aggressive pair, very unlikable.