giftsShe was absolutely fine and in good spirits when answering the questions, she actually held her own really well and just said she wasn’t answering if she didn’t feel comfortable answering something. As soon as he left people were asking if she was okay and she said she was absolutely fine (still cheery) and that it went really well… now she’s crying 2 mins later saying she wishes she never did that live and how hard the questions were, saying she’s now on the edge and she’s not okay?
She’s also said before that she bought that house with money that her mum left her when she died?! So which is it? And when he was with Tom they lived in hotels “with money that her mum left her” she literally has no idea what she’s said does she? She lies so much, she can’t keep up.She talks absolute bollocks. There was no way she got 500k. Why is she lying? I remember her saying she used to claim UC before Dan moved in and you can only have upto 16k savings with UC. No exceptions.
I'm convinced she has a personality disorder of some kind. She lives in her own make believe world