They first though she has Rett's but is diagnosed with Neimann pick type c
As a parent myself of course my heart goes out to the little one bless her
however I will never and never have put anything above the welfare of my own child, I could never travel to another country knowing my child could pass away at any time.
And the TT lives and battles in my opinion are wrong, she cannot give her consent to being online. I remember John & Deedee, social services told him not to put her online because she could not give consent.
There are more videos on their account about TT battles than awareness as far as I could see before I was blocked today
They had an initial now closed GFM of £32,689 which was raised for ground floor accommodation, with a grant of 25k from the local authority helping to achieve the build cost. Katie said on live the other day that the local authority offer was withdrawn because of her shortened life expectancy.
There is also another GFM up now to make dreams come true with a goal of 20k, currently stood at £2,508.
This is why many people including myself wonder why they are pushing the leader board so hard week in week out now when they have that GFM money? Not to mention direct donations of gifts, holidays etc.
Surely that time is better used spending every minute they have left with that precious little girl