I hope your Christmas looks better than Dani's, going into debt to feed a lie and raise a brat!
This is bs and she knows it. She gifted pandora to her niece and mum, hence the million bags in the photo, and one of those boxes is something she got gifted for a collab.Everything Dani does is so cringe worthy! Teenagers used to lay out their presents and take pictures like that in the early 2000s. If she was really that wealthy, she wouldn’t be needing to show off all the brands
I don’t know what’s changed behind the scenes but Rebecca’s really done a 180 from hiding him to plastering him front and centre on her social media! She’s fully playing the happy families role, so OTT though that there’s no way she genuinely feels like thatSpecial guest appearance from Luke today
It is the puffa bowsCrazy Hayley has shared a pic of her dining area and yes, it is as naff as you might have expected. I imagine the rest of the house is decorated in a similar 'style'.
Is that a headboard for a double bed they're using as a bench back?
What the hell is she wearing?!
Omg that's tragic.How tragic, spending Christmas Day photoshopping yourself onto a tree scene. Look at the blur by her legs, get a grip Dani
She looks like she’s wearing long johns! Has she forgotten to get fully dressed??Absolutely delusional this woman is. Does she actually look in the mirror and think she looks good?!
How old is she? She looks like she’s in her 40s