I'm sorry if this sounds mean but I have absolutely no sympathy for a drug addict who got assaulted for owing drugs or whatever other dodgy dealings went on. You chose to get involved in that scene and that's the repercussions. It's sad he has mental health problems but from what we've seen he behaves like an absolute cock and probably riles up people the wrong way, add in drink and drugs and he must be a nightmare and other men won't take kindly to it.
That slow mo video she posted of him topless jumping into the river is just really odd, if people posted about my brother being attractive I wouldn't publically announce it with a slow mo video and get all giggly and excited over it. It's getting really weird now how much she goes on about him and films him all giggly and excitable. The pair of them have an odd relationship and I'd love to know what Jo's ex had to say about it as I bet he raised his eyebrows at it all too.